LUTKA (orig. title)


short fiction drama
2017, 8′

logline: When a successful model-turned-entrepreneur in a bustling city becomes disfigured from a stalker’s assault, she must redefine beauty and success in her altered reality.

director: Tomislav Đurinec
writer: Tomislav Đurinec
production: ADU

producers: Martina Roginić, Laura Vuksan
director of photography: Vana Katančić
editor: Marko Klajić
costume designer: Tea Matanović
composer: Dot Konektor
cast: Lucija Alfier, Dajana Čuljak, Martin Kuhar, Josip Lukić, Pavle Matuško, Fabijan Pavao Medvešek, Ivana Pranjić

festivals and awards:

  • FRKA 2017